Saturday, November 10, 2012


When the Zombie Apocalypse commences you can bet essential systems will fail as people flee or get infected. Secure communication will be essential. If you use standard FRS radios or walkie talkies everyone can hear you. If you reveal your plans of what you have you may become a target of roaming gangs of the living looking for resources. The solution is a inexpensive type of radio / walkie talkie called a tri square radio. It has 10 million private channels that really are private to most people. The company claims that 100,000 conversations can be had all within range of each other without interference. With a standard FRS radio you get no more than 175 simultaneous conversations before interference renders the radios unusable. Imagine how useful the Tri Sqaure radio would be for people impacted by hurricane Sandy or Katrina. Motorola also offers a high security radio but it's much more expensive than the Tri Square brand. If you want to know more about the technical specfications of the Tri Square then check out the wiki page. It's worth noting that the "Privacy" channel on a Family Radio Service radio (most popular) is not private. It's a system the allows for more conversations. It doesn't scramble or prevent eavesdropping. The Tri Square Extreme Radio Service uses a military developed transmitter called a spread spectrum transmitter that hops frequencies of channels 7 times per second. You cannot listen to the Tri Square with a readily available radio scanner like you can of a CB, HAM or FRS radio.

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